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71.2 Functions and Variables for inference_result

Function: inference_result (title, values, numbers)

Constructs an inference_result object of the type returned by the stats functions. Argument title is a string with the name of the procedure; values is a list with elements of the form symbol = value and numbers is a list with positive integer numbers ranging from one to length(values), indicating which values will be shown by default.


This is a simple example showing results concerning a rectangle. The title of this object is the string "Rectangle", it stores five results, named 'base, 'height, 'diagonal, 'area, and 'perimeter, but only the first, second, fifth, and fourth will be displayed. The 'diagonal is stored in this object, but it is not displayed; to access its value, make use of function take_inference.

(%i1) load("inference_result")$
(%i2) b: 3$ h: 2$
(%i3) inference_result("Rectangle",
                        [1,2,5,4] );
                        |   Rectangle
                        |    base = 3
(%o3)                   |   height = 2
                        | perimeter = 10
                        |    area = 6
(%i4) take_inference('diagonal,%);
(%o4)                        sqrt(13)

See also take_inference.

Function: inferencep (obj)

Returns true or false, depending on whether obj is an inference_result object or not.

Function: items_inference (obj)

Returns a list with the names of the items stored in obj, which must be an inference_result object.


The inference_result object stores two values, named 'pi and 'e, but only the second is displayed. The items_inference function returns the names of all items, no matter they are displayed or not.

(%i1) load("inference_result")$
(%i2) inference_result("Hi", ['pi=%pi,'e=%e],[2]);
                            |   Hi
(%o2)                       |
                            | e = %e
(%i3) items_inference(%);
(%o3)                        [pi, e]
Function: take_inference (n, obj)
Function: take_inference (name, obj)
Function: take_inference (list, obj)

Returns the n-th value stored in obj if n is a positive integer, or the item named name if this is the name of an item. If the first argument is a list of numbers and/or symbols, function take_inference returns a list with the corresponding results.


Given an inference_result object, function take_inference is called in order to extract some information stored in it.

(%i1) load("inference_result")$
(%i2) b: 3$ h: 2$
(%i3) sol: inference_result("Rectangle",
                            [1,2,5,4] );
                        |   Rectangle
                        |    base = 3
(%o3)                   |   height = 2
                        | perimeter = 10
                        |    area = 6
(%i4) take_inference('base,sol);
(%o4)                           3
(%i5) take_inference(5,sol);
(%o5)                          10
(%i6) take_inference([1,'diagonal],sol);
(%o6)                     [3, sqrt(13)]
(%i7) take_inference(items_inference(sol),sol);
(%o7)                [3, 2, sqrt(13), 6, 10]

See also inference_result and take_inference.

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