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71.4 Functions and Variables for special distributions

Function: pdf_signed_rank (x, n)

Probability density function of the exact distribution of the signed rank statistic. Argument x is a real number and n a positive integer.

See also test_signed_rank.

Function: cdf_signed_rank (x, n)

Cumulative density function of the exact distribution of the signed rank statistic. Argument x is a real number and n a positive integer.

See also test_signed_rank.

Function: pdf_rank_sum (x, n, m)

Probability density function of the exact distribution of the rank sum statistic. Argument x is a real number and n and m are both positive integers.

See also test_rank_sum.

Function: cdf_rank_sum (x, n, m)

Cumulative density function of the exact distribution of the rank sum statistic. Argument x is a real number and n and m are both positive integers.

See also test_rank_sum.

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