
Polynomial Arithmetic with Rests

First, we define an univariate polynomial:

poly: x^6 +19*x^5 + x^4 - 14*x^3 - x^2 - 3*x + 1;
     6       5    4       3    2
    x  + 19 x  + x  - 14 x  - x  - 3 x + 1

To convert this polynomial into one with coefficients that are rests modulo 11, we use the function mod:

mod(poly, 11);

And we get this result:

     6      5    4      3    2
    x  - 3 x  + x  - 3 x  - x  - 3 x + 1

if set to a positive prime p, then all arithmetic in the rational function routines will be done modulo p. That is all integers will be reduced to less than p/2 in absolute value (if p=2 then all integers are reduced to 1 or 0). This is the so called "balanced" modulus system, e.g. N MOD 5 = -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2.

To factor the polynomial poly modulo 11, we have to add the option modulus:11 to the command factor:

factor(poly), modulus:11;

and obtain

            2              3      2
  (x + 1) (x  + 5 x + 3) (x  + 2 x  + 3 x + 4)

Expansion of that product is performed over the integers:

  6      5       4       3       2
 x  + 8 x  + 23 x  + 41 x  + 54 x  + 41 x + 12

Reduction modulo 11 gives the polynomial that we obtained by reduction of poly:

mod(%, 11)
   6      5    4      3    2
  x  - 3 x  + x  - 3 x  - x  - 3 x + 1
