
Maxima Programming

Additional examples

The computation of orthogonal Polynomials

The Legendre polynomials are defined by:

  p0(x) = 1
  p1(x) = x
  n*pn(x) = (2*n -1)*x*pn-1(x) - (n - 1)*pn-2(x)

The objective of this section is to develop programs that compute the Legendre polynomial for a given value of n.

For a first attempt we try to follow the definition as close as possible:

Legendre1(n, x) :=
block ( [],
    if n = 0 
       then 1
        if n = 1
           then x
           else  ((2*n - 1)*x*Legendre1 (n - 1, x)
                  - (n - 1)  *Legendre1 (n - 2, x)) / n

A first test gives:

Legendre1(3, z);

					  5 z (3 z  - 1)
					  -------------- - 2 z
(%o2) 					  --------------------
Legendre1 (5, t);

			 5 t (3 t  - 1)
		    7 t (-------------- - 2 t)	       2		    2
			       2		 3 (3 t  - 1)	    5 t (3 t  - 1)
	       9 t (-------------------------- - ------------)	 4 (-------------- - 2 t)
				3		      2			  2
	       ----------------------------------------------- - ------------------------
				      4					    3
(%o3) 	       --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Perfect for lovers of impressive expressions, but far from perfect for those who prefer simplified results. What went wrong?

Nothing. Simplification is a difficult thing to do and and we simply ignored the problem. We multiplied and added polynomials. To obtain a canonical representation of the polynomials we have to expand all products:

Legendre2(n, x) :=
block ( [],
    if n = 0 
       then 1
        if n = 1
           then x
           else expand(((2*n - 1)*x*Legendre2 (n - 1, x)
                        - (n - 1)  *Legendre2 (n - 2, x)) / n)
Legendre2(3, z);
					       5 z    3 z
(%o5) 					       ---- - ---
						2      2
Legendre2(5, z);
					      5	      3
					  63 z	  35 z	  15 z
(%o6) 					  ----- - ----- + ----
					    8	    4	   8

We expand the entire expression - this is a safe approach, but it can be quite costly. We may wish to ask about simplification with minimal effort. It is sufficient to expand the two products separately:

Here we expand only the expression that contains a multiplication with the variable:

Legendre2(n, x) :=
block ( [],
    if n = 0 
       then 1
        if n = 1
           then x
           else (expand((2*n - 1)*x*Legendre2 (n - 1, x))
                        - (n - 1)  *Legendre2 (n - 2, x)) / n

This is even better:

Legendre2(n, x) :=
block ( [],
    if n = 0 
       then 1
        if n = 1
           then x
           else expand((2*n - 1)/n*x*Legendre2 (n - 1, x))
                - expand((n - 1)/n  *Legendre2 (n - 2, x))

A closer look at the code reveals that it is unefficient and not even as elegant as one might think at first glance. The essentail flaw is that a lot of computations are carried out repeatedly. To see that, you can use the trace facility of Maxima:

Legendre2(7, z)

This will write a message every time the function Legendre2 is entered of exited.


The easiest way to avoid this is to avoid recursion altogether. This is what we will do next.

Let us now try to write a non-recursive function that performs the same computation:

LegendreN(n, x) :=
block ( [p0, p1, pn, cnt],
   if n = 0
      then return (1)
      else if n = 1
              then return (x),
   p0 : 1,
   p1 : x,
   cnt: 2,
   while cnt <= n do
    (  pn: expand(((2*cnt - 1)*x*p1
                   - (cnt - 1)  *p0) / cnt),
       p0: p1,
       p1: pn,
       cnt: cnt + 1

Here is a variant that uses a composite statement - that is, a block - in the while clause.

LegendreN(n, x) :=
block ( [p0, p1, pn, cnt],
   if n = 0
      then return (1)
      else if n = 1
              then return (x),
   p0 : 1,
   p1 : x,
   cnt: 2,
   while block(pn: expand(((2*cnt - 1)*x*p1
                           - (cnt - 1)  *p0) / cnt),
               cnt: cnt + 1,
               cnt <= n)
       p0: p1,
       p1: pn

It is also possible to program a repetition with a jump instruction. There a good reasons to prefer a suitable variant of the do statement, but a programmer should be able to understand Maxima programs with jump instructions.

LegendreN(n, x) :=
block ( [p0, p1, pn, cnt],
     if n = 0
        then return (1)
        else if n = 1
              then return (x),
     p0 : 1,
     p1 : x,
     cnt: 2,
     pn: expand(((2*cnt - 1)*x*p1
                 - (cnt - 1)  *p0) / cnt),
     p0: p1,
     p1: pn,
     cnt: cnt + 1,
     if cnt <= n then go(beginOfLoop),

Up to now, we wrote definitions that constructed sequences of polynomials of increasing degree. Are all these polynomials needed? No, they are not. What is needed for the intermediate results are the coefficients of all these polynomials - nothing more.
The following example uses three lists to store the coefficients of three polynomials pn, pn-1, pn-2:

LegendreNN(n, x) :=
block ( [cnt, pn, coeffsP0, coeffsP1, coeffsPN, oldList ],
   if n = 0
      then return (1)
      else if n = 1
              then return (x),
   coeffsP0: makelist (0, x, 0, n),
   coeffsP1: makelist (0, x, 0, n),
   coeffsPN: makelist (0, x, 0, n),
   coeffsP0[1]: 1,
   coeffsP1[2]: 1,
   cnt: 2,
   while cnt <= n do
    (coeffsPN[1]: -coeffsP0[1]*(cnt - 1)/cnt,
       for idx : 2 thru cnt + 1 do
          coeffsPN[idx] :  ((2*cnt - 1)*coeffsP1[idx - 1]
                             -(cnt - 1)*coeffsP0[idx])/ cnt,
       oldList: coeffsP0,
       coeffsP0: coeffsP1,
       coeffsP1: coeffsPN,
       coeffsPN: oldList,
       cnt: cnt + 1 
   pn: 0,
   for idx:1 thru n + 1 do
     pn: pn + coeffsP1[idx]*x^(idx - 1),

To compare the computation times we ask Maxima to show all times:


Now we can run the definitions that we want to compare. To supress the output of these huge polynomial, we finish our input with a dollar sign:

(%i4) LegendreN(200, x)$
Evaluation took 36.58 seconds (36.58 elapsed)
(%i5) LegendreNN(200, x)$
Evaluation took 13.62 seconds (13.62 elapsed)

We conclude that ploynomial arithmetic and frequent expansion of polynomials is quite time consuming.
