
Step-by-Step Computation of a Partial Fraction Decomposition


The computation that we just carried out, gives the desired result, but it has a serious flaw: The equations were manually assembled. That is inconvenient and error-prone, and it does not lead to a useful generalisation. In this section we explore a better algorithm to set up the equations.

 r:  1/(x^2*(x^2 + 1));
   2   2
  x  (x  + 1)

Now, we enter the three elementary fractions that may occur in the partial fraction decomposition of that expression:

p1: a/x;
p2: b/x^2;
p3: (c*x + d)/(x^2 + 1);
    c x + d
    x  + 1

The partial fraction decomposition is the sum of these three fractions:

p1 + p2 + p3;
      c x + d   a   b
      ------- + - + --
       2        x    2
      x  + 1	    x

To compare the unknown numerator coefficients with the numerator of the given expression, we have to rewrite that sum on a common denominator:

               3            2
      (c + a) x  + (d + b) x  + a x + b
                    4    2
                   x  + x

Now, we access the numerator of this fraction:

n: num(%);
              3            2
     (c + a) x  + (d + b) x  + a x + b

This is a sum, but we need a list of its terms. To rewrite a sum as a list of terms, we have to use the function maplist:

 terms: maplist (lambda ([item ], item), %);
             3           2
   [(c + a) x , (d + b) x , a x, b]

The following expression transforms the list of terms into a list of equations. For each term in terms, the term coefficient is equated to the coefficient of the corresponding term in r

 map(lambda ([term], coeff(term, x, hipow(term, x)) = coeff(r, x, hipow(term, x))),
   [c + a = 0, d + b = 0, a = 0, b = 1]

This ist is a system of linear equation. We can solve it with solve:

 solve(%, [a, b, c, d]);
    [[a = 0, b = 1, C = 0, d = - 1]]
 at(p1 + p2 + p3, first(%));
   1      1
   -- - ------
    2    2
   x    x  + 1

What we have learned:
