Maxima is written in Lisp, a really unique programming language that was developed by John McCarthy at MIT. The earliest publication about Lisp is possibly:
McCarthy, John: Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation, Part I Communications of the ACM, Vol. 3, April 1960, pp. 184-195
To enter a piece of Lisp, you write:
:lisp (list 'a 'b 'c)
:q(a b c)
To enter the Lisp mode, you write :lisp, to quite the Lisp mode and return to Maxima, you write :q into a new line. The Lisp text itself must not contain a line break.
Alternatively, you can enter
(%i1) to_lisp(); Type (to-maxima) to restart MAXIMA> (cons 'a 'b) (A . B) MAXIMA> (append '(a b c) '(d e f)) (A B C D E F) MAXIMA> (reverse '(a b c)) (C B A) MAXIMA> (mapcar '(lambda(x) (list x)) '(a b c)) ((A) (B) (C)) MAXIMA> (run) Maxima restarted.
These are indeed very simple Lisp expressions. They should bring your Lisp knowledge back to live and give you a few hints about the dialect that is used for Maxima.
In Lisp mode, you can access the internal representation of expressions stored in result cells. To obtain a result, you enter the label of the result cell written between vertical slashes and with a prefixed dollar sign:
(%i1) (sin(x) + cos(x) + sin(x)/sec(x)); sin(x) (%o1) ------ + sin(x) + cos(x) sec(x) (%i2) to_lisp(); Type (to-maxima) to restart MAXIMA> $%o1 ((MPLUS SIMP) ((%COS SIMP) $X) ((%SIN SIMP) $X) ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MEXPT SIMP) ((%SEC SIMP) $X) -1) ((%SIN SIMP) $X))) MAXIMA> (to-maxima)
$%o1 answers the internal representation of the expression in value cell %o1. For better readability, it is given here in formatted form:
(%i1) 'integrate(sin(x)*exp(x), x); / [ x (%o1) I %e sin(x) dx ] / (%i2) to_lisp(); Type (to-maxima) to restart MAXIMA> $%o1 ((%INTEGRATE SIMP) ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MEXPT SIMP) $%E $X) ((%SIN SIMP) $X)) $X)
The second top-level element (cadr $%o1) is the integrand, the third top-level element (caddr $%o1) is the integration variable. With this knowledge we can carry out the integration in Lisp:
MAXIMA> ($INTEGRATE (cadr $%o1) (caddr $%o1)) ((MTIMES SIMP) ((RAT SIMP) 1 2) ((MEXPT SIMP) $%E $X) ((MPLUS SIMP) ((MTIMES SIMP) -1 ((%COS SIMP) $X)) ((%SIN SIMP) $X))) MAXIMA> (to-maxima)