In a first step we write down the differential equation that we want to solve. Note the apostroph in front of the diff. It is needed to avoid the immediate computation of a derivative.
eq:'diff(y,x) = -y;
We obtain the equation in a more conventional writing form:
-- = - y
We use ode2 to compute a solution:
ode2(eq, y, x);
The solution contains the integration constant %C.
- x
y = %c %e
To obtain a solution for a selected initial value we use the function ic1 to define the initial condition. For later use, we assign the solution to the variable sol:
sol: ic1(%, x= 1, y= 8);
This initial condition selects the solution that passes through point (1, 8). We obtain:
1 - x
(%o3) y = 8 %e
You can now draw the solution:
plot2d(rhs (sol),[x,-4,4],[y,-10,10]);
Like differential equations of first, order, differential equations of second order are solved with the function ode2. To specify an initial condition, one uses the function ic2, which specifies a point of the solution and the tangent to the solution at that point.
eq: 'diff(y, x, 2) + y = 0;
This is:
d y
(%o1) --- + y = 0
The general solution is again computed with ode2:
sol2: ode2(eq, y, x);
We obtain:
(%o2) y = %k1 sin(x) + %k2 cos(x)
This solution has two parameters. There are two substantially different ways to compute values for these parameters:
For the initial value problem we use the function ic2:
ps: ic2(sol2, x=0, y=2, 'diff(y, x)=1);
y = sin(x) + 2 cos(x)
We check that the initial value is satisfied by this solution:
ev (rhs(ps) , x= 0);
We check that derivation of the solution satisfies the condition 'diff(y, x)=1:
diff(rhs (ps), x);
cos(x) - 2 sin(x)
ev (%, x = 0);
We note that it is not possible to combine these two expressions into:
ev (diff(rhs(ps), x), x=0);
For the boundary value problem we use the function bc2:
bc2(sol2, x=0, y=2, x=2, y = -1);
(2 cos(2) + 1) sin(x)
y = 2 cos(x) - ---------------------
It is easy to verify that both boundary conditions are satisfied by this solution: