FW: Macsyma

Good afternoon, I had sent an earlier question to Paul S. Wang w.r.t.
apparent demise of 'Macsyma' and 'PDEase' product line and he (as indicated
below) referred me to you. Got time for a quick question?....Do you know to
what extent both products (or their equivalent) may be available/supported
in GNU project?
Best Regards,
Gregory A. Hickey, P. Eng.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Paul S. Wang [mailto:pwang at mcs]
Sent:	November 28, 2000 4:22 PM
To:	GHickey@nbpower.com <mailto:GHickey@nbpower.com>; 
Subject:	Re: Macsyma

I don't really know.  But that is a good question.
You may try
wfs@fireant.ma.utexas.edu <mailto:wfs@fireant.ma.utexas.edu>;  (Bill
Schelter, AKCL/maxima)
and see if Bill has any info.
	> Thank you very much. I have(had) a paid up maintenance agreement
with them
	> for operation of the program; do you know whether they went beyond
	> also what has happened to their 'PDEase' product..do you know if
'PDEase' is
	> also available through GNU effort? Again thank you for responding.
/ Greg H.