For GCL I was able to run on an 850Mhz Pentium (linux) machine which did not
have other big jobs running, and so the time for execution is
the same as wallclock time (ie elapsed time).
Maxima 5.5 Fri Apr 6 15:15:13 CDT 2001 (with enhancements by W. Schelter).
Licensed under the GNU Public License (see file COPYING)
(C1) :lisp (progn (allocate 'cons 8000 t) (allocate 'fixnum 1000 t) (si::allocate-relocatable-pages 2000 t))
(C1) (showtime:all, ratsimp((a+b+c+d+1)^35),1)$
Evaluation took 2.80 seconds (2.81 elapsed)
In reference to the compiling under allegro:
it complains about reference to the serror package in
sys-proclaim (seems I can #-allegro comment it out?)
Yes certainly #-allegro it.
You dump only a dll or dxl and then when you
start up,
you specify this file. When I do, I'll send
an compile-allegro.lisp file out.
Please do!