maxima initialization file

Thanks for the help with maxima's initialization file.

Using maxima 5.4 under Linux, I've only been able to get maxima to read
if the file is in the working directory. Putting it in /usr/lib/maxima-5.4
/usr/lib/maxima-5.4/src didn't work for me.

In the process of creating my init.lsp file, I discovered that maxima's
save function

    (in-package "maxima"

This needs to be manually changed to

    (in-package "maxima")

To auto-load the function "to_html" located in the file
/home/barton/maxima/mathml4.3.o,  the
following init.lsp file works for me:

;;; -*- mode: lisp; package:maxima; syntax:common-lisp; -*-
(in-package "maxima")

(defprop |$to_html| #"/home/barton/maxima/mathml4.3.o" autoload)
(add2lnc '|$to_html| $props)


University of Nebraska at Kearney