Camm> Greetings! I also just noticed the cmulisp work. What is the plan?
Camm> Is work on gcl going to continue, or will it be replaced by cmulisp?
Camm> Or will one have the option of either? Is there an advantage to one
Camm> or the other? I only ask as to avoid any work on porting gcl to
Camm> different architectures if it is likely to be replaced soon.
While I can't speak for maxima itself, I plan to make the necessary
changes to get maxima to run on cmulisp. In fact, I've just sent
(privately, since I wasn't on this list until just now) a set of
patches (done by Fred Gilham and me) that lets cmulisp run all of the
tests correctly. cmulisp can now also do plotting via the openmath
plotting option.
Also, since gcl runs on far more platforms than cmulisp, I hope gcl
continues so that maxima continues.
P.S. I was trying to rebuild the info files. SpecfunII.texi seems to be