Dear friends of maxima,
The use of maxima under xemacs is quite comfortable.
However, I tried xmaxima 5.5 and found it beautiful.
I tried to change the dimensions of the window,
but failed miserably : I'm just a beginner in Tkl/Tk.
However I found the following :
- the A4 format (used in Europe) is 21cm x 29.7cm,
that is 8.2777" x 11.6929", not, of course 8" x11"
- in line 11916, the preferences file is spelled "~/xmaxina.ini"
and not "~/xmaxima.ini".
(In my opinion, "~/.xmaxima.ini" would be preferable,
preventing any deleting by mistake)
- also, for the moment, there is no other option than the font size.
Can _a user_ add other preferences, and how?
Best regards.
Daniel Duparc <>
29 av. de la Commune de Paris
94400 Vitry sur Seine (France)