cabs and trigreduce bugs


1) Maxima's (gcl / maxima 5.5 and 5.4) abs and cabs functions need some

(C1) display2d : false$
(C2) cabs(%i + log(1+%i));
(D2) SQRT(LOG(2)^2/4+1)
(C3) cabs(rectform(%i + log(1+%i)));
(D3) SQRT(LOG(2)^2/4+(%PI/4+1)^2)

/*  (D3) is correct and (D2) isn't. */

Maxima 5.5 is missing the eigenvalue code, but Maxima 5.4 has it.  Under 5.4, I get
another problem with cabs:

(c1) tee[i,j] := if(i=j) then %i-2 else if (abs(i-j)=1) then 1 else 0$
(c2) m : genmatrix(tee,4,4)$
(c3) cabs(first(first(eigenvalues(m))));

 This above gives an error about "SIGN called on ... (I'm connected to my NT machine
now and I don't remember the exact error.  Sorry.)

2)  A bug with  trigreduce:

(C11) trigreduce(cos(2*atan(8/5)/3));

Error: 8 is not of type LIST.
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL.
Broken at MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL.  Type :H for Help.

(Incidentally, isn't "signaled" the correct spelling? Lotus Notes seems to think so.)

3) Might a bug or might be a feature, but float doesn't evaluate %pi to a float while bfloat does:

(C15) float(%pi);
(D15) %PI
(C16) bfloat(%pi);
(D16) 3.141592653589793B0
(C17) float(%e);
(D17) %E
(C18) bfloat(%e);
(D18) 2.718281828459045B0

(Under Macsyma 422, float(%pi) and float(%e) both evaluate to floats.)


[Barton, Willis] = 0.