hermite polynomial

Code for Hermite polynomials (along with about 15 other orthogonal
polynomials) is  in the specfun package.  I contributed this package in
mid-April, so unless your maxima
is very recent, you won't have it.   You can download specfun.mc from the
maxima CVS at


Copy specfun.mc to the maxima share directory.  For best performance, compile specfun.
To use it, try

(C4) load("specfun")$
(C5) display2d : false$
(C6) makelist(hermite(i,x),i,0,3);
(D6) [1,2*x,-2*(1-2*x^2),-12*x*(1-2*x^2/3)]

Let me know if you have any problems.

Since contributing specfun, I've made a few improvements to it (improved
the gradef
statements and sped up the spherical harmonic function).  I'll send the
newest version to anybody that wants it (it's small -- about 20K).  My
package also has two demonstration programs -- variational method in
quantum mechanics and a first order degenerate pertubational calculation
for the Stark effect.


Barton Willis
University of Nebraska at Kearney