While we're on the plot window...

I have a couple questions about the plot window.   
The reason I ask is eventually (when I both figure out
how and have time) I hope to create a GTK-Perl based
interface to maxima (the embryonic beginnings of this
are on sourceforge at
http://mathshield.sourceforge.net) using MathML and a
notebook style interface.  At some point I'm hoping to
embed the plot window in the notebook.  Is the
embedding ability specific to TCL, or could it
theoretically be done with other toolkits?  Will I
need to do some lower level coding to avoid dependance
on TCL in the plot window itself? 
(http://mathshield.sourceforge.net/concept2.png is a
rough idea of where I hope to go eventually with this
- the screenshots section shows a little more of the
current interface idea if anyone is interested.)

Thanks for your tremendous work on all of this by the
way.  Maxima is one of the coolest software programs
I've seen in a long time.  

Oh, inexperienced newbie question.  Does anyone know
how the feature sets of Octave and Maxima compare? I
don't have enough experience with Octave to know. 
Anyone worked with them enough to make a comparison?

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