While we're on the plot window...

C Y wrote:
 (the embryonic beginnings of this
> are on sourceforge at
> http://mathshield.sourceforge.net) using MathML and a
> notebook style interface. 

Although it is sometimes considered impolite to question
why people are programming up anything, I can't resist
asking you why you are doing this. In particular, why
are you using MathML, which so far as I can tell is
quite unsuitable for this purpose.  For example, how do you encode
"interrupt the computation"?
How do you encode a macsyma program as MathML, except
perhaps as a text string, in which case, what's the point?

tion.  Does anyone know
> how the feature sets of Octave and Maxima compare?

Octave is a clone of Matlab. Essentially, it does
"numbers".  Maxima does "symbols" which as a special
case, does "numbers".