Using maxima 5.6. It is strange, but I use mandrake 7.2 at home and
everything works fine. Here at work, I get exactly the same behaviour
as you describe. I am using RH 6.2 here, with tk8.0. At home I use
tk8.3. However I did try the tk demos here at work and all the
menu/button demos worked just fine.
I hope a solution is discovered.
Jim Cadien
Daniel Duparc wrote:
> Dear friends of maxima,
> I can explain with better precision the
> feature I told you about a few days ago :
> 1. please launch fistly top to see the active processes
> 2. then launch xmaxima, then exit via the menu
> 3. if the behaviour is the same as on my Linux Mandrake 7.1
> box, you'l quickly see saved-maxima using 98% of cpu time.
> 4. ad libitum, the cpu time being divided between the several
> saved-maxima processes...
> I use maxima 5.6 compiled with gcl 2.4.0.
> Best regards
> ----
> Daniel Duparc <>
> 29 av. de la Commune de Paris
> 94400 Vitry sur Seine (France)
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