Question: Maxima For OpenVMS Alpha Anyone?

Greetings!  I know of no such port, but would encourage your efforts
here.  Unless you intend to use an existing lisp on this platform, the
real job will be in porting gcl, after which compiling maxima should
be straightforward.  In principle, one need only supply a <arch>.defs
and <arch>.h file in gcl-2.4.0/h/, and make sure that configure
selects this arch.  In practice, I've found getting a correct set of
definitions in these files a bit challenging, and really requiring more
time than I have.  If you do succeed, please post your changes here --
I'd wager they'd be close to the modifications necessary to get a
compile on a Debian Linux Alpha.

Take care,

Robert Alan Byer <> writes:

> Anyone know if anyone has gotten Maxima to run on an OpenVMS Alpha platform?
> I know that there used to be a OpenVMS VAX version of Macsyma so I'm 
> wondering if anyone has worked with Maxima.
> (I loved Macsyma, used to bring many a university VAX to a crawl with large 
> plots.  So I was happy to see Maxima :})
> If not, I think I could probably give a shot at porting it, that is, if I 
> can find a Lisp system for OpenVMS :}
> Thanks for the great work on Maxima, I love it.
>  +------------------+--------------------------+---------------+
>  | Robert Alan Byer | | ICQ #65926579 |
>  +------------------+--------------------------+---------------+
>  | Send an E-mail request to obtain a copy of my PGP key.      |
>  +-------------------------------------------------------------+
>  | "It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.  It is by |
>  |  cans of cola the thoughts aquire speed, the hands aquire   |
>  |  shakes, the shakes become a warning.  It is by caffeine    |
>  |  alone I set my mind in motion."                            |
>  +-------------------------------------------------------------+
> Version: 2.6.3ia
> Charset: noconv
> dyqB2Rx9u1YTN5qzDcWyeN9pT3Tnjoy7BTLXo3XbRAen1lo77/HUJxMX31uXOtu5
> zlle7nn38usgejqgdd1nvgCaxwDAYkfJA0SefUSLexRH/v+OcniN3wIPU2qf8lsI
> PzcNLMI3it+l4Bgj5hH/Q15IzIUi8EN18q8x4tOELSgCFUUBzEq/jXaHmEHbRTgl
> jciByJBRWwmcYFhPp6KlLgKglNmBIddTKM3I8VUPQdQaB7vVr74BgbWYUtmVPRDm
> tDlbgXt5dHKOxlXrpAL+/1LrQdGZm/HVN05sm/KLBYL9fB3QIHeQkQ==
> =7D5i
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Camm Maguire	
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