Oddly enough, the user level of Maxima seems not to
have an implementation of the extended Euclidean algorithm.
(Macsyma has one: extgcd).
It takes about 6 lines of code to write it.
What makes it odd is that Maxima uses this code internally
in many places. It has to be set up right, with a main variable,
which may make it tricky to do in some robust user-friendly way.
To change the line length to, say, 100, type linel:100$
Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> I need to use extended euclidean algorithm to solve some diophantine
> equations. I'd like to use free software for this, but unfortunately I
> can't find a corresponding routine in either Maxima or Pari/GP.
> In maple there is the function gcdex, when given polynomials a(x) and
> b(x), it finds c and d such that
> c*a(x) + d*b(x) = 1
> For example, if a(x)=x^16+1 and b(x)=x^16-1, then c=1/2 and d=-1/2 because
> 16 16
> x + 1 x - 1
> ------- - ------- = 1
> 2 2
> Have I missed something, or can't Maxima (nor Pari!) really do this?
> Another thing that bugs my slightly is that Maxima uses only 80 columns to
> display even if I'd have much more.
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