I list four responses grouped together, so that I dont flood you
with too much mail... But given the length of this message maybe you
prefer separate ones!!
I. Camm:
Error maxima output of not centered...
(C2) sum(n^2,n,1,n);
I have added a correction in cvs to displa.lisp. This bug was introduced when I
added the stuff for allowing sums over lists, and the integration of f/g
with g irreducible, by making it a sum over the roots of...
II. Fateman writes:
I suggest:
ListMatrixEntries (M):= apply (append, substinpart("[",M,0))$
in lisp,
(defun $LIST_MATRIX_ENTRIES (m)... (apply #'append (cdr v)) instead
of sloop...
I put the version using 'sloop' in the sources because I think it is
more readable, and I KNOW it is efficient in every lisp, not creating
any more cons's than absolutely necessary. For example if you do
5000 iterations of doing list_matrix_entries of a 7 7 matrix.
Cons's Seconds Method
250,000 1.27 sloop method
320,000 1.65 apply '$append
3,600,000 42.0 apply (append, substinpart("[",M,0))$
I guess I am very sensitive to storage use and timings .. and I probably
go a little overboard on making things efficient. But I do think the sloop
(sloop for row in (cdr matrix) append (cdr row))
"for each row in matrix append the row"
is pretty readable. Of course I wrote the sloop macro, so thats probably
why I think it is readable, but it is also why I am sure it is efficient.
The lisp version you suggest:
(or ($matrixp m) (error "not a matrix"))
(apply #'append (cdr m)))
needs to use '$append since the rows are maxima lists not lisp lists.
Note the timings were done on a slow notebook (166Mhz) here in St Petersburg
russia, and so may appear high. Functions were compiled, and I used gcl's
gc monitor.
You might prefer this version of gcdex, though it takes
an additional argument, the main variable..., it does
not require that expressions be univariate.
Thank you yes we should handle the case where coefficients are in some rational
function field.
Normally when we speak about gcd of elements in k[x,y] we mean in the
polynomial ring in two variables, where of course ideals cannot be
generated by one element .. their gcd.
x k[x,y] + y k[x,y] != 1 k[x,y]
But if we look at the field of fractions k(y) and then adjoin x, then
of course that ring k(y)[x] is a Principal ideal domain (indeed a euclidean
domain), and we can use the euclidean algorithm and produce elements which
will be fractions in y but polynomials in x. I have modified share/gcdex.mc
to allow an optional argument specifying a main variable. Just remember the
gcd is not the usual multivariate gcd!
(D1) [0, ------, 1]
y - 1
saying the 'gcd' is 1, since that is what it is in k(y)[x],
however it would be of course y+1 if we were just thinking in k[x,y].
Note that I did not actually get the code you sent to work correctly.
I added SUBSCRMAP:true to the binds, so that the list assignments would be ok,
but still it gave incorrect answers:
(C17) gcdex1(x^3+2,x^3+1,x);
3 3 3
(D17)/R/ [x + 1, x + 1, x + 1]
but anyway I am sure knuth's algorithm is correct and there is just a typo somewhere..
but I dont have the book with me and so can't verify it, and once I have one
working it is hard to go back and trouble shoot another!
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)" <David.Billinghurst@riotinto.com>
cvs update -d
cvs server: Updating .
cvs server: failed to create lock directory in repository
`/home/cvs/gcl/gcl/gmp': Permission denied
I have corrected the cvs/gcl permissions which seem to become incorrect each
time I add a new cvs directory (or maybe even file...) We need a cron job
or a fixed cvs add ...