Numerical solution to a simple exponential equation


 There is a Newton method program in the share subdirectory; this should
help, I hope

 Dave Holmgren

Dr. David E. Holmgren,
Imaging Scientitst,
SMART Technologies, Inc.
Calgary, AB, Canada
[403]-235-1452, ext. 251

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Virgil [SMTP:virgilinux at yahoo]
> Sent:	Tuesday, July 03, 2001 3:56 PM
> To:
> Subject:	[Maxima] Numerical solution to a simple exponential equation
> I am interested in obtaining solutions to equations involving exp(x),
> that is %E^x. 
> For a very simple example, consider:
> (C1) h(x):=x*exp(-x);
> (C2) solve(h(x)=1/4);
> 				      x
> 				    %E
> (D2) 			       [x = ---]
> 				     4
> Of course, Maxima is correct to say that x=exp(x)/4 "solves" the above
> equation, but that is not really what one is looking for.
> Numerically, one can verify that x=0.36 and x= 2.15 would make
> h(x)=0.25.
> But, how to get Maxima to give this answer??
> I tried different "switches" for "solve" but could not find anyone that
> would lead to a numerical solution.
> I also found and tried the function zsolve, whose description sounds
> promising, but could not get it to work. 
> Unfortunately, this function appears to be undocumented.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
> __Virgil
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