Maxima on Darwin


I have CLISP 2.25.1 running on Darwin (Mac OS 10.0.4).

I wish you could help me porting it for Darwin:

i) First, I don't have a Fortran compiler yet, hence, I think I won't be
able to compile the numerical package, is it right?

ii) Second, I want to disable the ploting features and xmaxima for the
moment and just have a command-line tool.

I couldn't find a good tutorial or HOWTO in order to build it and, so far,
the README didn't say much, that's why I'm asking for help.

I want to:
a) Build "maxima" under the constraints above on my home directory and test

b)Provide a Carbon application later on.

I need some introductory remarks or ---even better--- a step by step
tutorial describing each component of "src" directory and how to build it
with CLISP (if possible ;).

Any tip is welcome.
Thanks in advance,