Some math-related software packages (e.g. Matlab) provide a "diary"
option. This enables the user to request that a text file be created
with a copy of a session, including all commands entered by the user
and the corresponding replies by the software.
This feature is convenient sometimes, although it may be substituted by
conducting the session from within a text editor, such as e-macs.
An even handier feature may be the generation of a (La-)TeX "diary",
that is, a TeX file corresponding to user inputs and program outputs!
Now, Maxima can provide TeX translation, one expression at a time
(tex(%) for example).
Can Maxima "automatically" generate:
a) an ASCII (text) "diary" file
b) a TeX "diary" file ?
If (a) is available but not (b), it would seem desirable and relatively
simple to extend (a) to (b) by way of the tex command.
P.S. I am aware that an interface between TeXmacs and Maxima apparently
exists and may provide some of the functionality of option (b) above.
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