Subject: writefile not working (Re: A Maxima TeX 'diary')
From: Virgil
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 12:04:48 -0700 (PDT)
--- Richard Fateman <> wrote:
> The command "writefile(filespecification);"
> has the diary function.
> you have to closefile() afterward.
> If you want each command to be TeX'd... try this:
> writefile(texdiary);
> map(tex,reverse(labels));
> closefile();
> which might produce a tex'd diary of commands and displays.
For whatever reason, writefile(myfile) [or writefile("myfile")] does
create the file "myfile"...but NOTHING is added to the file. (This has
nothing to do with TeX)
For example, the session below, results in the creation of the file
"texdiary2" in my home directory, but it remains empty *after* the
closefile() command.
(C6) writefile("texdiary2");
Starts dribbling to texdiary2 (2001/7/10, 12:52:1).
(C7) integrate(x/(1+x^3),x);
2 x - 1
2 ATAN(-------)
LOG(x - x + 1) SQRT(3) LOG(x + 1)
(D7) --------------- + ------------- - ----------
6 SQRT(3) 3
(C8) diff(tan(x),x);
(D8) SEC (x)
(C9) solve(x^2-5*x+6=0,x);
(D9) [x = 3, x = 2]
(C10) closefile();
Finished dribbling to texdiary2.
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