If this is too OFF_TOPIC, please let me know...
I downloaded "a.out.h" from the Internet and now there are just for 2 files
that should be compiled in the "<Where you keep GCL folder>/o":
i) unixsave.c ( it can't find unexec.c and other errors... )
ii) sfals.c ( in FreeBSD.h there's RELOC_FILE="rel_sun3.c ")
I don't know what would be the right RELOC_FILE for Darwin.
Also, if somebody have any idea and want to help me somehow, I'd really
Thanks in advance,
P.S.: " make mpfiles -n " says nothing to be done for all; but
#cd < ... GCL folder>/gmp/mpn
#make -n
Says that I have to compile a couple of "*.s" sources... Problems with that?