Subject: trivial typo in maxima-5.6/info/Series.texi
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 10:15:18 -0700
Common Lisp is by default case insensitive. This is a really
bad design decision, in my opinion, and I objected to it
when it was proposed that way by people at MIT and Stanford and CMU who
had extensive experience with Maclisp and other case-insensitive
lisps of the 1960's. But they prevailed. People with Unix experience
who enjoyed BOTH cases, lost.
Indeed Macsyma was written originally in Maclisp which was
case insensitive. This was on DEC PDP-6 and DEC-10 systems with
36 bit words where every bit counted.
"George N. White III" wrote:
> On line 122, "x" --> "X".
> Is this new or were some previous versions of maxima/macsyma (remembering
> back to the CDC Cyber era) _not_ case sensitive.
> --
> George N. White III <> Bedford Institute of Oceanography
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