Re: Maxima under Darwin

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Lizardo H. C. M.  Nunes wrote:

> Following the messages that William and George exchanged, I could edit
> "suprv1.lisp" and reach the final of the Maxima compilation without
> warnings.

You should be past the hard part now.

> Now I want to test it and finalize. If you could please tell me what to
> do I'd really appreciate.
> Thanks in advance,
> Lizardo.

After commenting out the line in doc/tests.lisp starting with "(si: ..."
that caused an error, run the commands from the "test-clisp" target
in src/makefile:

$ cd ../doc
$ clisp -core ../src/maxima.core -load ../src/maxima-clisp.mem tests.lisp

I'm still thinking about installing maxima and I have some questions
about recovering from errors, but certainly I can do the things I
need with very little additional work.

George N. White III <> Bedford Institute of Oceanography