Maxima/GCL users:
I heard from a colleague, and then
confirmed via Prof Robert Boyer at UTexas, that
Bill Schelter died. The last message I saw,
sent from Russia, was dated July 26.
Here is the note I received from Bob Boyer...
It is so very sad but true, Bill Schelter has died.
Bill went to Moscow, this summer, got married, and died of a heart
attack at
the end of July. He was buried in Canada a few weeks ago.
His wife is named Olga Vodianikova, but I don't have an address for her.
His daughter can be reached at
Mike and Karen Schelter Lewis
1705 Autumn Fire Drive
Cedar Park, TX 78613
His son Johh, a med student, can also be reached at that address.
>From what little I know, Prof. Michael Artin,, may be the
person most up-to-date on the details of the story.
Bob Boyer
Richard Fateman