Adding differentiation/integration rules

> From: Raymond Toy <toy at rtp>
> Date: 25 Sep 2001 13:04:08 -0400
> I now have a final question.  sn has these properties:
> sn(u/2)^2 = (1-cn(u))/(1+dn(u))
> sn(2*u) = 2*sn(u)*cn(u)*dn(u)/(1-m*sn(u)^4)
> How do I get maxima to understand this?  However, I don't want this
> applied all of the time, just like the corresponding trig functions.

(C1) matchdeclare(u,true);

(D1)                                 DONE
(C2) defrule(sn_half,sn1(u/2)^2, (1-cn1(u))/(1+dn1(u)));

                                     2 u     1 - cn1(u)
(D2)                    sn_half : sn1 (-) -> ----------
                                       2     dn1(u) + 1
(C3) sn1(x/2)^2;

                                       2 x
(D3)                                sn1 (-)
(C4) apply1(%,sn_half);

                                  1 - cn1(x)
(D4)                              ----------
                                  dn1(x) + 1
(C5) apply1(1-sn1((a+b)/2)^2,sn_half);

                                  1 - cn1(b + a)
(D5)                          1 - --------------
                                  dn1(b + a) + 1

Good luck
