
Raymond Toy <toy@rtp.ericsson.se> writes:

> Currently, maxima says
> (C21) solve(x^4+1=0,x);
> 		1/4		   1/4		   1/4		    1/4
> (D21) [x = (- 1)    %I, x = - (- 1)   , x = - (- 1)    %I, x = (- 1)   ]
> which is right, but I expected the answer to be powers of
> (1+%i)/sqrt(2).  I could add the rule
> tellsimp((-1)^(1/4), (1+%i)/sqrt(2))
> to get what I want.
> A bug?
> Ray

I wouldn't think so.  (1+i)/sqrt(2) is only the principal value of
(-1)^(1/4), not *the* value.  The principal value of complex functions
isn't always called for.
