proprietary software vs hardware

Good day,

 >Are you also going to stop doing your research on proprietary

That's an interesting question.

My point is that my work should not depend on one company's will. What 
if I prepare a paper, doing all the work in some proprietary software 
and then 2 years later, this company no longer exist or has chosen to 
retire their product? The software I might have chosen to publish has 
now become useless. A more likely scenario is that I want a colleague to 
  have access to my work, but I'm a Mathcad user and he's a Maple user. 
He tend has to go out, buy Maple and so on.

I much prefer the scenario where I publish a file, and anyone with very 
little effort can download the software for free in order to be able to 
use my work.

What about proprietary hardware?

That's different because I don't software for the specific hardware. The 
person interested in using my work doesn't have to buy a specific 
hardware from a specific company. If my software is as portable as it 
can be (and scripts written for Maxima are certainly portable), then it 
would be like writting software for Maple that could also run under 
Mathematica and Maxima. It would then be ok because the person doesn't 
need to deal with a specific company or buy anything it shouldn't have 
in the first place.

I see you are with Ericsson. Well, I wouldn't want to publish something 
that requires people to get a specific device, say a cell phone, from 
Ericsson. Of course, sometimes, it is a necessary evil, but if I can 
avoid it, I would! I would much rather write something that can run 
under any cell phone having the right features.

It doesn't mean you don't do it... but if you can avoid having your work 
to depend on some company's arbitrary specifications... I think it is great!

So, programming either for proprietary hardware or software is evil 
(hehehe!), but what I do for my PC is not "hardware programming". You 
can use Java, ANSI C++, Maxima scripts, and so on... and all of these 
are hardware independent. The same way, I try to remain OS independent.

If I go to such length, it is because I believe that on the long run, it 

I wrote my M.Sc. using a proprietary word processor (AmiPro) and I 
couldn't open my thesis now even if I wanted to. I wrote my early 
software using Turbo Pascal (yes, I'm that old) and Delphi. All of this 
software is now obselete and down the garbage can. However, I got wiser 
later on and started writing my software in Java and portable C++. All 
of this code is still with me... for a long, long time. My Ph.D. thesis 
is in LaTeX, and I try to write my papers using LaTeX and it works 
great. I don't worry about companies changing their product line or 
going out of business.

All my work now can be done both under Linux and Windows. I know because 
I use both every single day. I don't depend at all on OS.

I do depend on PC software... only up to a point because I moved 
everything I could on my Visor and on my gaming consoles. Sure, Visor is 
proprietary technology (not as much as one might think!), but the 
formats and software I'm using are open (and I write my Palm software in 
Java). If I could move across a greater range of hardware, I would.

You have to think about what will happen to your work in 10 years. Will 
Maxima still be there, available for download? It is likely if it is any 
good and if people gather around it (that's what I'm trying to 
determine). However, as for proprietary software, you never know... and 
even when it is still around, older file formats are never supported... 
because businesses make a point of forcing you to upgrade (uselessly).

My philosophy? Use open software, hardware and formats whenever possible.

Daniel Lemire, Ph.D.