Expand, factor... as a way to solve, simplify?

--- Jay Belanger <belanger@truman.edu> wrote:

> > The truth, it seems, is that Maxima cannot solve
> > 
> > exp(a * x) = C * exp(b * x)
> Ah, here's an example.  Indeed, Maxima doesn't solve it.  Does Maple?
> Does Mathematica?  What results do they give?

Don't know about maple, but mathematica gives x=-Log[1/c]/(a-b), while
warning that inverse functions are being used and some solutions may
not be found.  
Is there any way we could make Maxima assume a not equal to b, and have
it work it under those conditions?

> > I just get mad when people say things like... "the problem isn't
> with
> > the software, it is with you..." 
> Has anyone here said that?

I think what we've got is a couple different positions on what
assumptions should be made by default.  That's a hard question,
and depends on the problem it's used for.  Maybe what we 
could do is to define a package "BasicAssumptions" or something
like that which would eliminate some of the initially confusing 
stuff, and then people could load that and get more the behavior 
they expect?

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