Good enough algebra = entirely wrong.

Good day,

As someone was pointing out to me, if Maxima standpoint is to give all 
solutions or none, then what the h*ll is it doing in this example...

(C44) solve(sin(x)=b,x);

SOLVE is using arc-trig functions to get a solution.
Some solutions will be lost.
(D44)                            [x = ASIN(b)]

Why won't it do the same thing for exp(a * x) = C * exp(b *x) ?

What's the philosophy here?

Anyhow, I like better these arguments of yours... While I'm too lazy to 
investigate your integral this morning, I got that far...

(C24) f(x):= integrate(1/sqrt(2-2*cos(x)),x);

(D24)              f(x) := INTEGRATE(------------------, x)
                                      SQRT(2 - 2 COS(x))
(C25) f(x);

                                    ABS(COS(x) + 1)
(D25)                      - ASINH(---------------)

Which is quite satisfying this early in the morning. My brain isn't 
working but, using argument likes ....


Seem to lead to the conclusion that it blows up (BTW, I'm sure it is a 
very easy problem). It would seem like at zero, I get f(0) = 
-asinh(Infinity) = -Infinity. I have no problem at PI/2. It would seem 
like the integral is actual infinity.

Again, we are very early in the morning, but wouldn't Maple's answer be 
correct? Why do you say it is wrong? It seems to me like the integral 
does exist... (correct me if I'm saying something foolish). If 
Mathematica is saying something foolish here... that's Mathematica's 
problem. Sure, I better get no answer than a wrong answer, but is Maple 
getting it wrong? We would also need to check on a recent version of 
Mathematica (we can't go back in time here). BTW this says nothing about 
solving exp(a * x) = C * exp(b *x) where, again, Maple gave a correct 
(in not complete) solution.

To be clear, I'm now considering using Maxima for my research, assuming 
I can get a decent user interface working (it is not all that bad, but 
in 2001, I've come to expect a bit more). So I'm at least partially in 
agreement with you. But it would still seem to me like Maxima has few 
tricks to learn.

Q: is there a way to make sure the output is in "Maxima". I know how to 
get tex output... what about Maxima outputs so I can cut and paste?


> correctness of the highest
> order is important.

Daniel Lemire, Ph.D.