xmaxima and bug reports (Was Re: [Maxima] Expand, factor... as a way to solve, simplify?)

--- Daniel Lemire <lemire@ondelette.com> wrote:
> Ah! Thanks C Y (what is your name btw???) 

Cliff Yapp.

> Now! Here's an answer I like!
> I didn't investigate further as to why I get unattended processes. I 
> used both maxima and xmaxima (I actually prefer maxima) over several 
> days and it took me a while to realize that my box was slowing down.
> I could investigate further if you want.

First try the latest CVS version - the odds are this
(http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2001/000151.html) is what
you are running into.  We should probably put out 5.6.1 or something
with that fix.

> When is the next release for maxima planned? Should I get the CVS or 
> wait for a release?

I'd get the CVS release.  There are no concrete plans for a next
release that I am aware of - we need to get organized first.
> Do we have a bug reporting tool? A support request tool? I'd much
> rather 
> file reports formally then go arguing on a mailing list!

Not yet - everything's pretty much on the list at the moment.  There is
a sourceforge site we are considering using which might be a good place
for a lot of that.  The current owner of the site has expressed
willingness to host some of this type of activity there - in fact it
was originally intended as a discussion site - and we may decide to
start using those resources for things like bug reports.  First,
though, we need to have a development team to deal with them. :-)


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