Subject: Expand, factor... as a way to solve, simplify?
From: C Y
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 10:33:07 -0700 (PDT)
(Sorry if this is a repeat - kind of looks like the other one got lost,
but I'm not sure.)
--- Daniel Lemire <> wrote:
> Ah! Thanks C Y (what is your name btw???)
Cliff Yapp
> Now! Here's an answer I like!
> I didn't investigate further as to why I get unattended processes. I
> used both maxima and xmaxima (I actually prefer maxima) over several
> days and it took me a while to realize that my box was slowing down.
> I could investigate further if you want.
No need - this is almost certainly the problem already mentioned on the
list. If it pops up in CVS, then we need to start tracking it down,
but from the behavior you've described it's almost certainly the known
> When is the next release for maxima planned? Should I get the CVS or
> wait for a release?
For now I'd say get CVS - we haven't gotten organized enough to know
what our time table looks like for releases. Although maybe we should
put out 5.6.1 or something so we don't get a zillion requests to fix
the xmaxima thing.
> Do we have a bug reporting tool? A support request tool? I'd much
> rather
> file reports formally then go arguing on a mailing list!
Right now the mailing list is about it - we may be able to shift some
of that kind of stuff to sourceforge, which has resources for bug
tracking and places for people to enter support requests. We probably
need to figure that out fairly soon, but it's kind of tough since right
now we don't even know for sure who is doing what.
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