Re: Thoughts on Project Structure

--- Richard Fateman <> wrote:

> If someone really wants to make something better, I
> think he/she should make a proposal to this list and
> let us all look at it.  The guiding principle should
> probably be, "first, do no harm".
>   If all or some of us think it
> is a bad idea, but someone still wants to do it, all
> that is needed is for the author to keep the code in
> a separate file which can be loaded on request on top of the
> system.  

I think that having different maintainers for different parts of
Maxima is a good idea, but having maintainance by any sort of
committee doesn't seem like a good idea, particularly a rather
unstructured committee.  There's also the problem of
who commits the changes to sourceforge, etc.

> CY wrote...
> >  If we go that way, we need to divide up the tasks into pieces which
> > will be maintained.  Richard, you're almost
> > certainly the best qualified of any of us to handle that
> > and be overall coordinator 

I (as well with most people, most likely) agree here, although I
understand why Richard might not want to take this on.  It's
worth noting, though, that particularly if there were several
submaintainers, the overall coordinator probably wouldn't be
integrating the code, etc.
