A start on the User Manual

--- Raymond Toy <toy@rtp.ericsson.se> wrote:
> >>>>> "Denis" == Denis Pollney <pollney@aei-potsdam.mpg.de> writes:
>     Denis> Is LyX really a good platform for writing a large
> technical document?
>     Denis> The latex output which it produces is not of the best
> quality, and
>     Denis> might end up becoming difficult to maintain. Latex itself
> is not

I agree that LaTeX is the better way to go - I just used Lyx to to that
part so I'd have something to work with as I learn LaTeX.  I've already
begun the process of cleaning up the LaTeX code, and once I've got it
into a usable state, we can go to town.

> In addition, is latex the right format?  I would like html pages so I
> can look things up in a browser.  I'd also like the new reference
> manual accessible from within maxima via describe.

Umm...  I think you're confusing the user manual and the reference
manual.  What we are doing here is the user manual.  Reference will
come later, after we have more people who have read the user manual
:-).  At that point, we'll think about working with describe. 
> I've not had very good luck with latex to html converters, and who
> wants to rewrite maxima's describe that's tightly coupled to texinfo
> to use something else?  

Not sure, since I have no idea how difficult that would be.  As for
html, what we can do is once we have a full, complete manual we can run
the converter and then fix it up by hand where we need to.  That will
be a bit of a pain, and I'd only want to do that when we are at the
stage of releasing a full manual.

> (However, perhaps it would be easy for maxima
> to start up a browser to read documentation, as some of the clhs
> packages do for lisp.  This is fine for me.)

That's probably the preferable solution.

> The manual itself looks fine.  I would have separate installation
> manual and a user/reference guide.

That's a popular opinion.  See my other replys for a possible way to
work that.  If I'm decisively overruled then we can do it using
multiple documents only, but at least two of us want to have the option
of everything in one big book.

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