A start on the User Manual

>>>>> "Tuukka" == Tuukka Toivonen <tuukkat@ees2.oulu.fi> writes:

    Tuukka> On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, C Y wrote:
    >> sure about everybody else.  OK, quick survey - what form of
    >> documentation do you use ordinarily guys?  HTML, ps, pdf, printed, etc?

    Tuukka> PDF.

HTML, pdf, and printed for me.

    Tuukka> There are couple of problems with HTML--first, no HTML viewer support
    Tuukka> vector graphics (such as EPS) as far as I know, and generally bitmaps

IBM, I think, has/had a DVI viewer of some sort.  Others do to.  Don't
know how well they work and on what platforms.

And the HTML doesn't have to have graphics.  A maxima text version of the
equation is probably ok, since it's pretty obvious what the text
version does, even if you don't know maxima.  (But I like equations.
"integrate" isn't quite the same as the integral sign.)
