I found stuff I was doing in 1990 or earlier and put it
online at
There is some text there, presumably from source originating
at some company, but several relatively "new" items.
Learning Macsyma
Using Macsyma
and various chapters.
I have not looked over the contents, but I assume
some of it is in TeX, some in nroff/eqn.
I also found this, separately, which may not
correspond to that stuff....
overall plan: We need a collection of documents:
I. What can you do with Macsyma (teasers for technical people)
A. parlor tricks
1. factoring
2. checking identities
B. interactive mathematics language
C. help write fortran programs
D. solve problems in closed form
1. Laplace transform
2. integrals
E. Analytic approximations: solution by taylor series, asymptotic
F. Others.
(II) Introduction to Macsyma: first part of existing primer.
(III) Introduction to writing user packages in Macsyma: 2nd part of
existing primer + more examples.
(IV) Macsyma user guide:
A. Full, but informal description
of the programming language syntax and semantics of the basic
B. Semantics of forms
1. arithmetic operations
2. comparisons
3. sin, cos, log, ....
4. special polynomial form
5. special Poisson form
C. Listing of commands by type and brief precis
1. simplification
2. Evaluation
3. approximation
4. Input/output
5. system modification
D. Error messages (alphabetically)
(V) Macsyma reference guide
A. Implementation
Lisp language base
File system
B. Listing of commands (alphabetically) and semi-formal specification
(This corresponds to an on-line command index. One text-retrieval
function might be "short description" or "help"; Another command
would display fuller information, or even a program listing.
Each command would
be described by:
name, example, and 1 sentence description. [short form]
then (full description)
aliases if any,
number of required args and types,
number of optional args and types,
(possibly: introduction of keywords?)a
number and type of value(s) returned
principal flags which may affect the result
functions or other commands which are used, and whose flags might
affect the result
algorithms used (references to bibliography)
side effects, including messages that might be printed, expected
time for completion of the command.
known bugs
location of source code for the function.
The source code should include author(s) if known; last revision.
and comments indicating implementation details and functional
(V) Installation guide.
(VI) References.