A start on the User Manual

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001 Michel.Lavaud@univ-orleans.fr wrote:

>> Sure, but in my opinion it should be *readable*.
>Needless to say :-)  Do you mean you couldn't read the formulas?

I mean, well-readable. Readable without any extra effort.

>We were speaking about reading on screen, and finding text in pdf vs html files,
>etc. I didn't suggest to print from html versions, for printing, it is better to

Ok, so then the user would need to print another version of the document
than what he's reading on the screen.

>> I think it can be quaranteed by embedding the math font into the PDF file.
>Yes, it is certainly necessary, but not sufficient in my opinion, as new bugs can
>be introduced anytime in a new version of the reader.

Bugs could be in HTML reader too. But since PDF reader is more complex,
I believe, it may easier have bugs.