I can build maxima with clisp, but:
bash-2.05$ clisp -M maxima-clisp.mem
(C1) plot3d(x+y,[x,-3,3],[y,-3,3]);
*** - FUNCALL: the function POLYGON-PTS is undefined
1. Break [1]> :q
(C2) load("plot.lisp");
;; Loading file plot.lisp ...
;; Loading of file plot.lisp is finished.
(D2) plot.lisp
(C3) plot3d(x+y,[x,-3,3],[y,-3,3]);
and everything appears all right. Looks (but I am not any lisp
xprt) a compilation (clisp-related) problem?
In any case, this is not urgent for me (I use maxima for other
things), but maybe it is for the package.
Pedro Fortuny Ayuso --------> www.geocities.com/pedro_fortuny
School of Mathematical Sciences. Queen Mary College, Univ. London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK ------> www.qmul.ac.uk
P.Fortuny@maths.qmul.ac.uk Tfn. Nr. 44 20 7882 5493