CMUCL info reader (was [Maxima] Info reader for Clisp)

Raymond Toy writes:
 >     Ole> won't have to look for regex 0.12 - and you don't have to take care
 >     Ole> about relinking regex when you restart a core.
 > That's already taken care of in the init-maxima routine.

But it caused an initial stumbling block to me when I first tried to
restart my maxima core. As far as I remember, a failing dynamic link
gives an error different from FILE-ERROR

 >     Ole> The bad thing is that the regex inside some glibc is broken...
 > A broken glibc is a good reason to use GNU regex.  

This is where I am confused as the regex.h that comes with glibc on my
Linux indicates that this is indeed version 0.12 GNU regex

 > If people think this is worth having, I see no reason why it can't
 > be added as part of maxima's source, just like gmp has been added.

And perhaps with a robust determination of whether the naive user has
installed regex 0.12, wants to use glibc's regex or omit it
all. As for my complaint about FILE-ERROR above, we might think about
distributing a sufficiently intelligent maxima.core...

 > At that point, I'd rather have maxima start up a browser to load up
 > the html version.

