>>>>> "Os" == osman <osman@fuse.net> writes:
Os> On Sunday 28 October 2001 13:26, you wrote:
>> How can I do inverse laplace transformation with maxima? I'm
>> afraid maxima can't do that. :-(
Os> Yes it can. use ILT :
Os> (C4) ilt(s/(1+s^2),s,t);
Os> (D4) COS(t)
Uhm, now I feel like a moron, but I really tried to find this
function. :-o (Next time instead of describe(); I'll simply use grep on
the info files. :-))
Osman, thanks for the really fast answer, I barely had time to finish
Mathematica's installation, now I'm going to rm-it again. *pats self on
the forehead*