Re: Emaxima Emacs Mode

--- Jesper Harder <> wrote:
> Jay Belanger <> writes:
> > Another option is to have the Maxima process evaluate a file that
> > causes it to display the output in TeX form, much like TeXmacs
> does.
> > It should be reasonably easy to alter the TeXmacs file to do this.
> I've been playing a little with the texmacs file. Now that Emacs 21
> supports images, it would neat to grab the TeX output, pass it off to
> TeX and dvips and insert the image in the Maxima buffer.
> I thought it would be rather hard to do line breaking of long
> equations,
> but I found a LaTeX package which does that quite well -- the rest is
> pretty straightforward.
> Here's a screenshot of how it looks at the moment:
>        <>;

Holy cow.  Between this and Emaxima, we've got some seriously cool
stuff going on here.  We are so close to a notebook style interface
it's not even funny.  Guess I'll be upgrading to emacs 21.

How does this work for saving/printing?  Do you just use the graphical
images for display in emacs and use TeX/postscript for output?

One question.  I know the standard display for maxima is one expression
after the other, but would it be possible in this mode to it like
Mathematica does, i.e. being able to do something like :

(C1)  integrate(sin(x),x);
(D1)                        -COS(x)
(C2)  diff(x^2,x);
(D2)                   2x
and then be able to change the integral in place, so what you wind up
seeing on screen is

(C3)  integrate(cos(x),x);
(D3)                        SIN(x)
(C2)  diff(x^2,x);
(D2)                   2x

rather than having to do a strictly linear setup - i.e. being able to
have the result like the above as opposed to

(C1)  integrate(sin(x),x);
(D1)                        -COS(x)
(C2)  diff(x^2,x);
(D2)                   2x
(C3)  integrate(cos(x),x);
(D3)                        SIN(x)

Instead of presenting the user with the (C#) prompt, we could just wait
for them to type on the next line, and when they tell it to evaluate
then assume it is (C#), label it as such, and send it.  That way, we
would allow comments between lines, and only lines on which they use
the evaluate command sequence would be sent to Maxima.

Of course, as far as Maxima is concerned this wouldn't make any
difference, since everything is still in memory, but would be
convenient for notebook style editing.  I don't know how much trouble
this would be, or if anyone else would like this, but I thought I'd
ask.  You've already done some really amazing stuff - with the
abilities above we might be able to make an honest to goodness notbook
interface.  This would be sort of the intermediate step between the
terminal and using the emaxima/LaTeX, with immediate formatted
feedback.  Would that be possible?

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