If you want to compute numerical matrix exponentials then you
should probably find a numerical package.
If you want to compute SYMBOLIC matrix exponentials, you can
compute the taylor series of the matrix m, e.g.
1+m+...+m^^n/n! + ... where a^^b is macsyma's way of
computing a power of a matrix.
There may be a numerical matrix exponential routine written
in macsyma/lisp, but exp(M) doesn't compute it.
Matthias Bechmann wrote:
> hello
> i am new to maxima and actually looking for a cas that is capable of
> calculating matrix exponentials (exp(iHt)) like they appear in time
> evolution operations in quantum mechanics. can maxima do this for me.
> when i tried myself i.e.: exp(%I*I_z);
> with: I_z:matrix([1,0],[0,-1]);
> i get: [ %I ]
> [ %E 1 ]
> [ - %I ]
> [ 1 %E ]
> but expect: [ %I ]
> [ %E 0 ]
> [ - %I ]
> [ 0 %E ]
> thanks in advance
> matthias
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