--- Jesper Harder <harder@ifa.au.dk> wrote:
> To print would require that ps-print.el is aware of images (which it
> isn't at the moment), and to save you'd have to invent your own file
> format -- maybe that's not so hard after all.
I was thinking that you could store the whole thing as a tex
internally, and then just save and print that. Probably not worth it,
though - emaxima will handle that job.
> BTW, have you tried bookmode.el in the Maxima distribution? It also
> works a bit like that.
No I haven't, actually. Guess I'll check that out.
> I have now cleaned up the image code a bit, and put it at:
> <http://purl.org/harder/imaxima.tar.gz>
I tried to install, but it just gives me "Symbol's function definition
is void: imaxima-setup". What would be causing that?
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