Emaxima mode bug

Jay Belanger <belanger@truman.edu> writes:

> C Y <smustudent1@yahoo.com> writes:
> > When I input some expression which requires additional input, such as
> > integrate(x/(x-z),x,z1,z2);, emacs hangs.  Would it be possible to have
> > the writer automatically switched over to the maxima window, to answer
> > the questions?  Or at least avoid the hanging behavior?
> What would be easier in this case would be to have emacs prompt for the
> answer when Maxima asks a question.
> I made the fix so that this would happen, you need
> maxima.el
> in ftp://vh213601.truman.edu

First of all, it's

Next, I found a problem when a cell with questions is TeX updated.
I fixed that, and if an answer doesn't end with a ; or $, a ; is
automatically added.
The changed files are maxima.el and emaxima.el.
