Maxima Tensor Modules

"Michael M. Tung" <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to use the two tensor packages that come with Maxima 5.6.
> The manual says one has to load the modules by entering
> LOADFILE("itensr");
> or
> LOADFILE("ctensr");
> This gives me an error in both cases: ``Load failed for ~m''.
> Reading the special doc files that come with the tensor packages
> tells me to try e.g.
> LOADFILE(itensr,fasl,tensor);
> or alternatively
> Unfortunately, these methods to load the packages fail too. Did
> I miss installing some files? Do I have to download from somewhere
> the latest tensor packages? How does anybody of you work with
> tensors under Maxima?
> Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
> Best,
>       Mike
By default, only "ctensr.mac" is copied to the installation directory. It can be loaded by
load("ctensr.mac"). This package is quite possible to use. At least I was able to reproduce all
examples in tensor.doc with it. However I would not say the same about itensor.lisp. It is left
 in source dir after "make install" because it was not tested enough. To use it you can put
 all files from tensor source dir in place where you want  and
start maxima there. After this all commands to load packages will work.
It's pity but not all examples from tensor.doc are successfull for itensor.lisp. I guess it is due to the different versions of lisps between macsyma an maxima. I'm not sure about it
my knowledge of lisp is poor. 

all the best, Valerij