maxima mode keybinding complaint

About the keybindings I have a suggestion: try to keep as close as
possible to the keybindings of the AucTex package to edit TeX/LaTeX

As ilisp does not seem  to be a unanimity among Lisp programmers (am I
right??), I feel that TeX/LaTeX is more common. BTW maybe most of the
users of Maxima are not Lisp programmers (my case!) but need to keep
documentation of their work up-to-date. 

In this sense I will try to give my two cents on this question. Maybe
someone else can correct or improve my suggestion.



>>Motion commands     Keybinding   Notes
>>Beginning of sexp   C-c(         This is bound to M-C-b in ilisp.
>>				   Change to that?
>>End of sexp         C-c)         This is bound to M-C-e in ilisp.
>>				   Change to that?

I dont like C-c( and C-c) for ergonomic reasons in my keyboard. Anyway
M-C- is not good either, but I still prefer this option. The same
discussion can be done about most of the keybindings.

>>Process commands     Keybinding   Notes
>>----------------     ----------   -----

>>Send line, as well  C-RET         There is no analogue in ilisp.  C-RET
>>as any nearby lines               is unbound in ilisp.  Keep?
>>needed to complete
>>form.  Go to next
>>Send region, as well M-RET        There is no analogue in ilisp.  M-RET
>>as any nearby lines               is bound to some completion command
>>needed to complete                in ilisp that isn't part of ilisp.
>>form.  Go to next                 Keep?
>>Kill Maxima.         M-C-k        There is no analogue in ilisp.  This
>>				    binding could be removed, and any cleanup
>>				    could be done when the buffer is
>>				    killed.

Good extra keybindings.

>>Completion commands     Keybinding   Notes
>>-------------------     ----------   -----
>>complete symbol         M-TAB        This corresponds with ilisp.
>>(present a buffer
>>with completions)

Most interfaces, like Gnome, use M-TAB to change windows. This problem
can be overcome, but some novice users of Emacs and/or Maxima may
complain about it. 

>>Commenting commands     Keybinding   Notes
>>-------------------     ----------   -----
>>comment region          C-cC-c       This is bound to C-c; in ilisp.    
>>				       Change to that?

Keep ilisp keybinding C-c; which is the same as AucTex.

To uncomment a region maybe C-c: for the same reason and then the next
two keybindings must be appropriately changed.

>>insert long comment     C-c;         This would have to change.
>>/*                                   Change to C-c/?
>>  like this.
>>insert short comment    C-c:         The colon was so it would go
>>/* like this */                      nicely with the semicolon for 
>>				       the long comment.  Change to C-c*?


>>Documentation commands     Keybinding   Notes
>>----------------------     ----------   -----
>>(These are also available in inferior-maxima-mode, and the changes
>>would be made there, also.)
>>describe                    C-cC-h      Documentation in ilisp is
>>					  available through C-cC-d.
>>					  Change to that?
>>Read manual                 C-cC-i      The i was for info manual.
>>					  Change to C-cC-m?  (Which
>>					  is unbound in ilisp?)
>>Completion help             f12         This is somewhat analogous to
>>(describe functions                     describe-lisp or documentation-lisp, 
>>which begin with word                   which are bound to C-cC-i and C-cC-f
>>at point)                               in ilisp.  Change?
>>Apropos help                M-f12       Keep?  Change to C-cC-a?
>>(describe functions
>>which contain word
>>at point)

Good for me. But again some problems can found, with the F12 key, in
some weird keyboards throughout the world.

The other keybindings I did not mention here I agree or I have no
suggestions at all.
