Re: BatTeX

--- wrote:
> To use batchlatex, you need to load batchtex.lisp:
> (C1) load("batchtex.lisp");
> Loading batchtex.lisp
> Finished loading batchtex.lisp
> (D1)                batchtex.lisp
> Place batchtex.lisp in a directory Maxima can find; Maxima's
> share directory should work.  I added a sentence about
> loading batchtex.lisp to my documentation.
> Regards,
> Barton

Does this require your new version of mactex as well?  I've tried
running it and I get:

(C4) batchlatex("maximaexample.tex");

Loading /usr/local/lib/maxima-5.6/src/mactex.o
start address -T 85b2a60 Finished loading
% TeX code generated by batTeX. Don't edit this file; edit the  
% input file maximaexample.tex instead.
We begin by defining the function that squares. We do this with the 
Maxima commands

Error: 15 and 14 are illegal as :START and :END
       for the sequence "\\begin{maxima} ".
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by COND.
Broken at SUBSEQ.  Type :H for Help.

Or do I need the CVS version of maxima?

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